For books navigate to: BOOKS
Additional writings by Gregory Sholette can be found on his blog
Welcome to Our Bare Art World
(Older blog posts are found here)
Video presentations at Sholette YouTube Channel
and other writings on on 
A short and incomplete history of “bad” curating as collective resistance (2022) [On Documenta 15, 2022]
Art Worker, Art Worker, What Have You Done? (2021)
Memes Are Dominating Attention Spans…(2020)
Optimism of the Will: Global Resistance to Neo-Reactionary Nationalism (FIELD JOURNAL # 12/13 2018)
Confronting Fascist Banalities…The Futurist Manifesto 110 Years (2018)
Activating the Archive From Below at a Moment of Crisis (2018)
Do We Need a Turing Test for Activist Art ? (2018)
Stefanos Tsivopoulos and the Fiscal Unconscious (2018)
Art, Debt, Oversupply – PANIC! (2017)
Art After Gentrification (2017)
Merciless Aesthetic…A Response to Boris Groys (2016)
Encountering the Counter-Institution: From the Proto-Academy to Home Workspace Beirut* (2016)
Occupy Arts Administration Or How to “Shadow Curate” in Rural Scotland (2015)
Art Out of Joint: Artists’ Activism Before and After the Cultural Turn (2015)
A User Is Haunting the Art World (2015)
On Maidan and Imaginary Archive Kyiv, Spring 2014 (2014)
50 Shades of Red: Enterprise Culture and Social Practice Art, a Love Story? (2013)
Gregory Sholette: Squatting Bruce Barber’s Sentences on Littoral Art (2013)
Gregory Sholette reads his essay: 12 Notes on Collectivism and Dark Matter, radioapartment22, Rabat (2013). (audio)
After OWS: Social Practice Art, Abstraction, and the Limits of the Social (2012)
OCCUPOLOGY, SWARMOLOGY, WHATEVEROLOGY: the city of (dis)order versus the people’s archive (2012)
Lets Do It Again Comrades, Lets Occupy The Museum (2012)
Speaking Clown to Power: Can We Resist the Historic Compromise of Neoliberal Art? (2011)
Return of the Atomic Ghosts (2011)
Not Cool Enough To Catalog (2011)
Mockinstitutional Aesthetics: Building an Art Academy From Below? Stockyard Institute (2010)
Artists and Experimental Cinema: A Hundred Years of Infatuation and Exchange (2008)
State of the Union: Gregory Sholette on Artistic Labor (ART FORUM 2008)
Gregory Sholette Interviewed by the Camel group (2008)
Snip, Snip…Bang, Bang: Political Art, Reloaded (2008)
Swampwalls Dark Matter and the Lumpen Army of Art (2008)
Trickle Down Bohemia and the Anti-Capitalist Art of Ed Eisenberg (2009)
After Tilted Arc: Site Specificity in an age of Enterprise Culture (2007)
History that disturbs the present:An interview about REPOhistory with Greg Sholette (2007)
Arte y revolucion in the age of enterprise culture (2007)
Questions from an Artist Who Reads (and Thinks, Writes, and Speaks) (2007)
Taking Back the Dollar: Alternative Economies: Vera List Institute (2006)
Specters of Collectivism: A Conversation between Gregory Sholette and Elena Sorokina (2006)
Disciplining the Avant-Garde: The United States versus The Critical Art Ensemble (2005)
Report from Beirut: Days Of Culture, Days Of Seige (2005)
Periodising Collectivism, with Blake Stimson (2004)
REPOhistory’s Civil Disturbances NYC: Chronology of a Public Art Project (2004)
Mysteries of the Creative Class, or, I Have Seen The Enemy and They Is Us (2004)
Dark Matter, Activist Art and the Counter-Public Sphere (2003)
Twelve notes on collectivism and dark matter (2003)
Heart of Darkness: a Journey into the Dark Matter of the Art World (2002)
Fidelity, Betrayal, Autonomy: In and Beyond the Post Cold-War Art Museum (2002)
A COLLECTOGRAPHY OF PAD/D, A 1980S ACTIVIST ART COLLECTIVE, AND ITS LEGACY IN TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY ACTIVIST ART AND SCHOLARSHIP. (updated 2022 for the book: The Routledge Companion to Art and Activism in the Twenty-First Century. Edited by Lesley E. Shipley and Mey-Yen Moriuchi, New York: Routledge, 2022).
How To Best Serve the New Global Contemporary Art Matrix (2000)
Some Call It Art: From Imaginary Autonomy to Autonomous Collectivity (2000)
Counting On Your Collective Silence: Notes on Activist Art as Collaborative Practice (1999)
Authenticity Squared: REPOhistory CIRCULATION: Anatomy of an Activist, Urban Art Project (1999)